SiF UK Meeting
OK, now for the write-up.
Day started off pretty bad for me. They only put two carriages on my train, so that meant everyone getting at Thornaby (including me) had to stand until we got to York. And if that wasn't bad enough, the air conditioning wasn't working and the windows weren't open. They did get opened eventually though...during a delay that cost us about 15 mins.
But once I got to York, everything got better. Went to the Railway Museum entrance, and who did I see waiting there? Chris and Eliot! So after brief greetings and catching up on where Ryan was, we went into the shop. Stayed there until about 12:00, when we thought 'Well, no one else has arrived yet, might as well go to the Station Hall'. So we did.
Eliot knows quite a bit about engines, which means I have to nod my head and speak in the affirmative a lot to try and disguise my lack of technical knowledge. I think I succeeded. Chris was too cool for that though. He just stood in quiet recognition.
After a bit, Eliot gets a phone call. Turns out Ryan and co are in the Great Hall. Oops! Quickly dashing over there, and after a bit of kerfuffle as to where they are, we notice them on top of the footbridge...the very same one we were under when we rang. In Eliot's defense, no one said look up.
So everyone got to meet each other and shake hands and that, talking 'bout each other and stuff (this is really detailed analysis, in'it?). Chris T. Xelent kept looking at me like I was mad. I'm quite sure I don't know what he was on about. No doubt he wanted his lung back.
Then Christopher showed up from nowhere and handshaking started all over again. He recognised me from my T-shirt. He's sharp as a button, that one. Then came the amazing, fantastical handing out of certificates! I feel so honoured to have recieved one! It's gonna get framed.
Then walking commenced. Walking through the galleries, seeing the many engines that were there. And many models too. So many models. Temptation to steal them was high among members. If they hadn't been cased in glass, well, the NRM would have a lot less to show off.
It was just after that point that we saw Green Arrow. Yep. And the frames of Flying Scotsman. We saw its cab at one point too, but it was nowhere near the frames, which is a bit daft IMO.
I think it was this point we high-tailed it back to the shop, and did some shopping. Some of us anyway. Then back to the Station Hall, for more trainspotting. At one point the official group photo was taken, which you can see at the forum. Ignore the fact that we all look like devilspawn though. That's just bad lighting.
After walking round for a bit we all realised we were hungry, so it was outside for barbeque. Chris Burrell, that evil boy, took the last hamburger from the grill. Fool! Thank God there were sausages, or I swear...!
Then came one of the highlights of the meeting. Sitting at a bench with a Thomas Annual and just talking. May not sound exciting, but just being with a bunch of friends, being able to discuss our interest in that little blue engine and the forum dedicated to, it was just great. It was like being on a council or something, you felt important just by being there.
After that talk, it was back to the Great Hall. Ryan, Christopher, Truro, CtX and myself then went on the Simulator they have there. Travel from London to Brighton in 4 minutes. How? By travelling at 765 mph! If you've seen the video, you know how that went down. If you haven't, well...there's a reason they don't let trains go that fast.
Where next? Japan of course, to catch the Bullet Train. Then it was off to Wales to see the Tallwyn. Both were on video, of course-we don't have magic teleportation powers. Although if we did...nah, let's not dream about that.
What happened next? Er...we went back to the models, of course. Railway museum has lots of old bits of railway paraphenalia. Impossible to take in all at once, so we had to go back. Yes.
But all good things must come to an end, and so we left the museum and headed back to the station. Then back to the hotel near the station, where we said goodbye to Christopher and Chris. Having nothing much to do at the hotel, we headed back for the station, where we said goodbye to Eliot and hello to Christopher again. Strange how that worked out. The 5 remaining lads sat on a bench and watched Ryan's filming, when sadly it was time for me to go. Handshakes again (I shook more hand sthat day than I've done in me life) and a mad dash to Platform 10 from 3. Not advisable if your trousers are loose.
So that was the day in a nutshell. Fantastic time out for all. I'm really looking forward to the next meeting. Let's make it a whole weekend next time, guys. We can go camping! I'll bring the tent!