Legion of Super-Jerks
You know who the Legion of Super-Heroes are? They're this group of teenage heroes from the 30th Century who fight crime and injustice throughout the galaxy. Or possibly universe.
The thing about the Legion is that it's big. Really big. Like, population of most third-world countries big. That makes sense though, because they're a big agency that takes care of the galaxy/universe. I mean, you can't do that with only 20 people, can you? No, the bigger the better, really. I mean, I'd sure feel safer knowing that there are hundreds of teens watching over me whilst I sleep. Well, not if they were actually watching over me while I slept, because that would be creepy.
You know what doesn't make sense though? When they rejected heroes. See, the Legion had this admission policy that potential new recruits would be subject to approval from a council of members. It wasn't like X-Men, where any mutant can just go to Xavier's Mansion and say "I want in." The Legion initiated people based on the usefulness of their powers. So if you had, say, the power to control electricity, then you would get in, since when isn't it useful to control electricity? But if you did something like grow hair really quickly, then sorry, but you're just no use for us!
Now on the surface this may seem fair enough, because considering the number of Legionnaires there were, you wouldn't want more invading the place and reducing the amount of room available. But when you actually think about it, how fair is that?
There you are, a young boy/girl from the planet Wherever, scorned all your life on your homeworld because you were born with the ability to make walking sticks appear out of thin air (kids can be so cruel). But you're gonna show them up once and for all by becoming a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes, the greatest team of superheroes in the galaxy/universe. Surely they'll appreciate your abilities, right?
"Good morning, citizen. What super power do you possess?"
"Well Lightning Lad, I have the ability to create walking sticks of various shapes and sizes from out of nowhere. Behold! *Demonstrates ability*"
"Ooh, sorry, but there's nothing really super about your power, now is there? Admission denied!"
The fools! By denying your admission, they've just denied themselves a great opportunity. What are they going to do now if they encounter an emergency where the citizens of a planet all suffer severe back injuries? How will they be able to safely walk then? Or what if one day Saturn Girl should accidentally break her leg whilst polevaulting, or whatever sport she's into? Now if they had someone who could create walking sticks for everyone, then that would just solve all their problems, wouldn't it?
Just because they're not useful all the time doesn't mean they can't be useful at all. So what if 'Save-The-Day-Instantaneously Boy' can only use his powers every third Thursday? Just let him work every third Thursday! And I'm not totally exaggerating on this either. They once turned down a girl whose powers only worked at night. So just let her work the night shift! Don't reject her for that!
Eventually though some of the rejects formed their own supergroup called 'The Legion of Substitute Heroes', but they were really only there to be laughed at. They also became the dumping ground of everyone the Legion rejected after that. "Oh, you have the ability to swim backwards? Yeah, we're not gonna use you, but go check out this team of other losers...I mean fine upstanding people." (As a sidenote, think how useful a guy who swims backwards would be. The next time they come across an underwater monster who paralyses people by looking at them, they could just say "Your turn, Backwards Swimming Lad!")
What the LoSH should have done was create the Legion of Reserve Heroes, a team that they could call on if they came upon any unexpected dilemmas. Every time something came up that required an unusual power to deal with it, they could just have the Legion of Reserve Heroes teleport someone in. You might argue they could do that now, but I betcha that the 'rejects' will be less sympathetic than the 'reserves'.
"Oh, so Brainiac 5's hip's gone out and he can't walk properly? So you want me to make him a walking stick so you don't have to buy one? Now you need me I'm supposed to jump at your command, is that it? Well screw you, Legion!"
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